Looking for a great spray tanning extraction booth for your salon? How about a high quality extraction booth system, from a great spray tanning company, that's affordable? Seem out of reach? Well it's not! Introducing the Over-Spray Reduction Extraction Booth from Kahuna Bay Tan!
This spray tanning extraction booth is great! It has four high powered extraction fans that pull over sprayed solution away from your techs and clients. Talk about cleaner air! The fan filters are even washable! No more waiting money on new filters. This booth even has over head lights that shine down on your clients. Optimal lighting to reduce shadowing and give a great even spray tan! Best of all, this unit is light weight, can be shipped directly from us to you, and it's priced to sell!
Kahuna Bay Tan Products is a Wholesale Sunless spray Tanning maker of Airbrush Tanning Solutions and Spray Tanning Solutions, Pop up Spray Tanning Tents, Sunless Tan Extenders, Bronze tan in a can and many more Sunless Spray Tanning products . Kahuna Bay Tan Sunless Products also has world class Airbrush/Spray Tanning Solutions like Artesian Blend, Awaken Anti Aging, Kahuna Melange, Kahari rapid tan and Comp Tan Competition Sunless Airbrush/Spray Tanning Solutions.
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